Saturday, November 19, 2011

Globalist, Constitutional Convention, as being held in Ohio in 2008:

I am so upset over this. And how many of you knew of this going on in 2008, and know what this means?

Globalist Constitutional Convention Dealt a Defeat in Ohio

Posted By admin On December 13, 2008 @ 4:21 am In Featured Stories | Comments Disabled

Kurt Nimmo

Info-wars [1]

Saturday, Dec 13, 2008

The global elite will not rest until they have undermined the last bastion that stands in their way as they attempt to dominate and subjugate of the once great republic of the United States — the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Over the years — but especially since September 11, 2001, and the creation of the phony GWOT against manufactured terrorists — the government has made great strides in curtailing the Bill of Rights.

Government has singled out and specifically attacked the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. However, for the global elite and their minions in government, this piecemeal approach is too slow and often results in organized resistance and legal challenges.

So the global elite have decided on another tactic — change forever the Constitution and the Bill of Rights through a Constitutional Convention.


Article Five of the United States Constitution provides an option to assemble a national Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution as an alternative to the process of securing two-thirds approval in both houses of Congress.

Remarkably, thirty two states have called for a Constitutional Convention — allegedly to add a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution – and it takes thirty four to begin the process.

If you have not heard about this, it is not a mistake — the corporate media is not reporting on it. A Google News search produces no stories on the subjected published by the mainstream media.

“A public policy organization has issued an urgent alert stating affirmative votes are needed from only two more states before a Constitutional Convention could be assembled in which ‘today’s corrupt politicians and judges’ could formally change the U.S. Constitution’s “problematic” provisions to reflect the philosophical and social mores of our contemporary society,’” writes Bob Unruh for World Net Daily.

“Don’t for one second doubt that delegates to a Con Con wouldn’t revise the First Amendment into a government-controlled privilege, replace the 2nd Amendment with a ‘collective’ right to self-defense, and abolish the 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments, and the rest of the Bill of Rights,” Unruh quotes the American Policy Institute (API).

API was successful in stalling a vote on a Constitutional Convention in Ohio, thanks to the Constitution and Libertarian parties of Ohio that testified against the bill. “Members from Campaign for Liberty, Ohio Freedom Alliance, We Are Change Ohio, John Birch Society, Institute for Principled Policy, Constitution Party of Ohio, and the Libertarian Party of Ohio showed up in support [and] most of them testified,” reports the PeaceChicken blog.

“After seeing how many of us came, Committee Chairman Blessing changed his mind and decided not to vote on it today. In fact, he acted like it was a mistake that the paper said ‘possible vote.’ [Teri Owens of the Central Ohio John Birch Society] thinks it’ll probably be voted on at the next committee meeting (which will also probably not include further testimony) so we’ll need to keep watching.”

WorldNetDaily should be commended for reporting on this important story neglected by the corporate and much of the alternative media. Unfortunately, WorldNetDaily writer Bob Unruh turns the article into an anti-Obama screed and leans heavily on the false right-left paradigm to make his points, including Obama’s disingenuous calls for wealth redistribution and so-called political and economic justice. In 2001, Obama told Chicago’s public station WBEZ-FM that “redistributive change” is needed.

One has to wonder if Obama’s economic advisors — including Robert Rubin, director and senior counselor at Citigroup, and Timothy F. Geithner, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York — are up to speed on taking money from their rich friends and giving it to the poor who voted for Obama.

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Institute warns that the ultimate outcome of a new con con “will likely be a new constitution, one that would possibly eliminate the Article 1 restriction to the coinage of real money or even eliminate gun or property rights.”

In fact, this is the real goal of the globalists behind the con con scheme: to eliminate gun ownership and turn other god-given rights into state granted privileges that can be easily restricted or taken away entirely. Outlawing firearm ownership in America is part of a larger agenda to dismantle and destroy the United States of America from within and the global elite cannot turn the country into a third world cesspool so long as millions of Americans are armed.

DeWeese told WND that a Constitutional Convention would be “our worst nightmare in an age when you’ve got people who believe the Constitution is an antiquated document, we need to have everything from controls on guns … all of these U.N. treaties … and controls on how we raise our children.”

For now, a few dedicated people in Ohio have managed to delay another state from joining the push for a con con under the cover of a Balanced Budget Amendment, but as the blogger PeaceChicken notes, the government of Ohio will continue to push HJR 8 calling for a Constitutional Convention. It is up to activists and concerned citizens in Ohio to make sure this bill is defeated and the global elite is not allowed to eviscerate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Article printed from Prison

URL to article:

[1] Info wars:

Friday, November 18, 2011

I was told to expose who don't care. Well, heres one for you to see.


April 5, 2009


Michael B. Brenhe
620 North Waymore Rd.
Suite 270 Maitland, Fl 32751

Attention: Lee M. Jacobson
Phone: (407) 654-2195

RE: Michelle M. Christensen
Clermont, Fl. 34711

Dear Mr. Jacobson,

I’m writing this letter to you on my behalf regarding negligence and fraud.    

The Carriers, Liberty Mutual and Wausau, and there attorney Laura Mackle along with my attorney Elliott Lucas, all knew they were defrauding me out of money going back from the very beginning of my case since 1998. They also knew they were not addressing my entire medical care starting from 1999.They forced me into this Mediation Settlement claim knowing in 2003 I had just learned about them defrauding me out of money over the years along with me confirming this with the Social Security office and, not to mention the Financial Services of Worker’s Compensation telling me about the bad faith they felt that was going on with my case.          

In 2003 I contacted the Finical Services of Worker’s Compensation since the Carriers, Liberty Mutual and Wausau were not addressing my entire medical condition relating to my injury since 1999. After I had contacted the Financial Services of Workers compensation and spoke to Leane Roush, she later told me after her inquiry she felt there was bad faith going on with my case. She also stated she would address a letter to the Carriers named above asking them why they haven’t addressed my medical as asked by their own authorized treating doctors.  She went on and stated, she would ask the Carriers for proof of services regarding medical care and treatment. They would not respond back to her requests, knowing they would be making a public record of her findings.

In 2004 Leane Roush also asked for a copy of the offset on how they came up with the figures regarding my income from the Carriers since I told her I couldn’t get a copy of that document even from my own attorney since the Mediation Settlement agreement took place in 1999.
Leane Roush also learned that some of my medical records were not on file in the doctor’s offices that I had seen over the years. She informed me that the Carriers, Liberty Mutual and Wausau, were also defrauding me out of money and she would fax me some documents to prove that claim.   

In 2004 I also was told by the Social Security office that the Carriers, Liberty Mutual and Wausau, were not paying me right by their own records on file and could not show me a document or record regarding the offset of how they came up with those figures on record from the Carriers on file at the Social Security office, Why? I still to date do not have that record as I have asked for it from my own attorney since 1999. Now I ask you, doesn’t that fall under fraud knowing I should have had something in writing pertaining to the offset regarding my settlement claim and regarding my income before I agreed to one?

In November and December of 1999 while at South Shore Hospital, I was accused of taken illegal drugs along with five other patents while I was at this hospital. I was also threatened by a doctor if I knew what was best I would keep my mouth shut or he would see to it I would be so bad off that no doctor would want to waste their time helping me. He also threatened me not to say anything about them falsifying our medical records along with knowing I almost lost my life while I was under their care. He also threatened me that if I said anything after getting out of there, I better talk to someone who had lots of knowledge under their belts, because I’m going to need all the help I can get. Elliott Lucas knew of this during the time I was there, and told me not to leave the hospital because they would use that against me if I left the hospital as I wanted to leave because of becoming ill and the lack of medical care.  I also have witnesses to this threat put to me and about this claim. I had asked for my medical records from South Shore Hospital, but they would not let me have them before getting out of there in December. I tried getting my medical records in 2000 and later in 2001 but still had no luck getting my medical records from South Shore hospital.

In 2002 I still couldn’t get my medical records even after a subpoena for the records at South Shore Hospital. All I got was summaries, and those are not medical records.

In 2004 the Health Department was looking into to my case since Leane Roush notified them about me trying to get my medical records from South Shore Hospital along with telling them there were also other doctors who did not have my medical files in their office that I saw under workers’ Compensation. Sometime after they were notified and looking into my case I called them to see why I hadn’t received my medical records, yet.  This is when I found out my attorney stopped their requests, regarding my medical records by telling them he had the records they were looking for, why?

The Carriers, Liberty Mutual and Wausau, there attorney Laura Mackle and my attorney Elliott Lucas, did not tell the truth in court about a Dr. Cheshire who I saw at the Mayo Clinic back in 2000 under my husband’s insurance whom at the time was not my treating doctor. In court they tell the judge Dr. Cheshire became my treating doctor in 2004 took a deposition from him and dismissed my medical care saying there was nothing wrong with my Autonomic Nervous System. Even though they knew they were not telling the truth since I had not seen Dr. Cheshire since 2000 and along with knowing he was not my treating doctor. Not to mention, they refused to let me stay and finish treatment at the Mayo Clinic even though they were told all my problems were related to my injury at the time I was there in 2000.      

My attorney Elliott Lucas, Laura Mackle and the Mediator all knew I had not agreed to any kind of settlement in 2005 regarding the mediation that was set for on January 24, 2005. They also address something about a mediation that was set in 2004 regarding a settlement.  I was not told about this mediation or knew anything about a settlement in 2004. They also make it look like I don’t show up for this mediation and have the judge order me to be at the next mediation in person that was now set for January 24, 2005. I can tell you I had no idea of this until after I started to look over my court records in 2008. Oh, and something about a demand letter in 2004 regarding a settlement that the judge sites in the records. What demand letter in 2004? I didn’t even know of this letter from my own attorney or anything about a mediation settlement in 2004 until the judge brings it up in the records.

They authorized doctor Cheshire to be my treating doctor that I hadn’t seen since 2000 and who was not my treating doctor at the time. Take a deposition from him and make it look like he was my treating doctor in court and then dismisses my medical care knowing they were not telling the truth in court. They hadn’t addressed my entire medical since 1999 knowing I hadn’t received any proper medical care for the Autonomic Nervous System which is part of my compensation. As also noted, and said by CMS-Medicare.

Laura Mackle, Elliott Lucas, Carriers Liberty Mutual and Wausau even make it look like there were no referrals for me to go to the Mayo Clinic or John Hopkins from any of their treating doctors regarding my condition addressing my Autonomic Nervous System for treatment. As you will see, it is not true.

The bottom line is they all knew I had just found out in 2004 from the Financial Services of Worker’s Compensation that they were defrauding me out of funds over the years going back to the beginning of my case. That’s way they forced me into this Mediation Settlement in 2005, saying I agreed to this claim when they knew they were not telling the truth about this settlement.

You seem to think I had a hearing before this Mediation or a hearing regarding this claim. I can tell you I did not have a hearing regarding this claim. I had a Hearing after the Mediation telling me I agreed to this settlement claim that I did not agree to, in the first place. That’s the hearing I had and also couldn’t talk about things do to it being confidential.

The Worker’s Compensation Laws under 60 Q 6.10. Mediation generally, please read
(2)(4)(5)(6) and (7). I can tell you that’s not how my case went under the Laws of Worker’s Compensation. I was never at a Mediation Conference and nor did I request a private Mediation for a Settlement. Please find these documents that say I did? You won’t find my name on them unless my name was forged.      

I can tell you a lot more that’s wrong with my case but I think I have said enough for now. As you said you only wanted two pages addressing negligence.  What about fraud and perjury? 

I also want to thank you, for taking an interest in my case.

Michelle M Christensen           

 PS. This attorney would not take my case after reviewing this letter, due to the fraud involved in this case.     

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thought you should read this too!



Do you know that we have adult students at the school where I teach who are NOT
U.S. Citizens and who get the PELL Grant, which is a federal grant (no
Payback required) plus other federal grants to go to school?

One student from the Dominican Republic told me that she didn't want me to find a job for her
after she finished my program, because she was getting housing from our housing department and she was getting a PELL Grant which paid for her total tuition and books, plus money leftover.

She was looking into WAIT which gives students a CREDIT CARD for gas to come to school, and into CARIBE which is a special program (check it out - I did) for Immigrants and it pays for child Care and all sorts of needs while they go to School or training. The one student I just mentioned told me she was not going to be a U.S. Citizen because she plans to return to the Dominican Republic someday and that she 'loves HER country.'

I asked her if she felt guilty taking what the U.S. is giving her and then not even bothering to become a citizen and she told me that it doesn't bother her, because that is what the money is there for!

I asked the CARIBE administration about their program and they told me if you ARE a U.S. Citizen, you don't qualify for their Program. And all the while, I am working a full day, my son-in-law works more than 60 hours a week, and everyone in my family works and pays for their own

Something is wrong here. I am sorry, but after hearing that they want to sing the
National Anthem in Spanish – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! That's a real slap in the
face!!!!! It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation – it wasn’t even close.

I don't care whether this offends someone or not but this is MY COUNTRY. IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP – please pass this along. I am not against immigration -- I just expect immigrants to come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

PART OF THE PROBLEM - Think about this:

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone –
It is Time for America to speak up. If you agree -- pass this along,
If you don't agree -- delete it!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Corruption within the Court, makes "Fraud upon the Court": "NO" member of the Judicial attorneys ...

Corruption within the Court, makes "Fraud upon the Court": "NO" member of the Judicial attorneys ...: by Michelle Christensen on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 10:55pm Expose Judicial Corruption of our Legislation. Why members of the judicia...

"NO" member of the Judicial attorneys and judges can serve another branch in Govenment:

by Michelle Christensen on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 10:55pm
Expose Judicial Corruption of our Legislation. Why members of the judicial branch of our government should not be in our legislative branch? They are sworn officers of the court making them members of our judicial branch of government. No member of one branch shall serve in another. What happens? Lawyer... legislators make laws that they use to make a profit from. How? When they leave office they lobby for company's that supported them to create the laws. This is a conflict of interest against the public. I also believe, this falls under them committing fraud against us as knowing they are doing us wrong as citizens of the United States and falls under fraud against the United States too. As that's a crime. Perhaps we need to address this in more detail as them violating are rights under the laws.

As Nancy Schaefer, State Senator from Georgia, said in a recent speech: "Child Protective Services, (CPS), is one of the most evil, corrup branches of government in America today!!!!